Serving Wyoming * Northern Colorado * Western Nebraska
There’s a Classen turf aerator for every application. Our line of aerators include walk-behind, tow-behind and riding models, plus our new steerable compact. Our PRO PowerSteer™ aerator is designed to turn without lifting the tines out of the ground for non-stop aeration. Classen… serious lawn care made easy!
Call Dave at 307-514-5021 for availability & quote!
We answer the phone, no switchboard or pick a number, just a friendly, knowledgeable voice.
Come Experience 'Good, Old Fashioned' Service!
Your Business is Appreciated!
Turf Rakes
Classen Turf Rakes are versatile and portable dethatchers. Folding handles make these turf rakes excellent for rental use. Attachments for seeding and grass collection are available. Dethatching is important to maintain a healthy lawn. Classen… serious lawn care made easy!
Frontier Outdoor Power - Mission Statement
Our goal is to provide our customer the very best products, at an honest, affordable price, in a friendly, professional fashion at all times. To continuously maintain fair and honest service after the sale. To build a long lasting friendship! Dave Barnett -Your Storekeeper